Fatal Helicopter Crash in Houston: Helicopter Tour Ends in Tragedy

by | Oct 21, 2024 | Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Vehicle Accident, Wrongful Death

Helicopter tours are popular for sightseeing and aerial adventures, offering passengers breathtaking views and thrilling experiences. However, these flights come with inherent risks that can lead to tragic accidents, as seen in the recent helicopter crash in Houston. The fatal helicopter crash claimed the lives of four people onboard, including a child. It caused a massive fire and startled nearby residents whose homes were close to the flames. Preliminary investigations suggest that the lighting on the radio tower failed just days before the crash.

Below, the wrongful death attorneys at Kherkher Garcia explore the risks associated with helicopter tours. While these crashes are not common, the results are almost always devastating.  Victims may suffer horrifying injuries or loss of life. Our attorneys want victims and their families to know that they are not alone after such a tragic event. Our team can help victims and their families after a fatal helicopter crash.

Fatal Helicopter Crash in Houston

A helicopter crashed into a radio tower in Houston’s Greater East End on Sunday night, resulting in multiple fatalities, including a child. The crash occurred around 8 p.m. when the helicopter, a private R44 aircraft operating as an air tour flight, struck the tower or one of its cables. All four people aboard were affected, but the exact number of fatalities remains unclear. There were no casualties on the ground, and no structures, aside from the tower, were impacted.

The crash caused a fire that spread over two to three city blocks. Emergency responders arrived quickly, and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is leading the investigation. The surrounding area experienced brief power outages, and witnesses described hearing explosions and seeing the tower collapse in flames. Fortunately, nearby homes were not damaged, and Houston Mayor John Whitmire noted that the situation could have been much worse.

Residents in the area reported feeling the crash, with one witness comparing it to an earthquake. Other witnesses recounted seeing the tower crumble and the helicopter fall in a fireball. The investigation is expected to continue for several days. Preliminary investigations suggest that the lighting on the 1,000 foot tower failed, and was “unserviceable” until the end of the month. Videos reportedly show one light at the very top of the tower blinking, but no others. Lighting is required for all towers higher than 200 feet. The helicopter was traveling at around 600 feet at the time of the collision.

Due to the size of the crash scene, nearby residents may encounter helicopter parts. Officials are asking residents to avoid touching the parts and contact police or fire officials right away.

The Risks of Helicopter Tours

While helicopter tours offer a unique experience, they come with significant risks. Some of the most common dangers associated with these flights include:

Mechanical Failures

Helicopters are complex machines with many moving parts, and even a minor mechanical failure can lead to catastrophic results. Issues such as engine failure, rotor malfunction, or faulty hydraulics can cause a helicopter to lose control and crash. Proper maintenance and timely inspections are crucial to preventing mechanical failures, but when corners are cut, lives are put at risk.

Pilot Error

Like any other type of aircraft, helicopters require highly skilled and experienced pilots. Unfortunately, pilot error remains one of the leading causes of helicopter accidents. Common mistakes include misjudging weather conditions, improper handling of the helicopter during critical phases of flight (such as takeoff and landing), and poor decision-making during emergencies. Fatigue, inadequate training, and negligence can further increase the likelihood of an accident.

Adverse Weather Conditions

Helicopter tours are often conducted in visually stunning areas, but these locations can also present unpredictable weather patterns. Fog, high winds, rain, and lightning can all impair a pilot’s ability to safely navigate the aircraft. If a helicopter enters low-visibility conditions, there is a heightened risk of collisions with obstacles like trees, buildings, or, as seen in the Houston crash, radio towers. Proper pre-flight weather checks are essential, but unexpected weather changes can still pose serious risks.

Obstacles in the Flight Path

Helicopters typically fly at lower altitudes than commercial planes, making them more susceptible to obstacles like power lines, tall buildings, and communication towers. If a pilot is unaware of the flight path or if the helicopter is flying too low, a collision with such obstacles can lead to a deadly crash. In the Houston incident, the helicopter struck a radio tower, leading to the crash and subsequent fire.

Air Traffic Control Failures

Helicopter pilots often rely on air traffic control (ATC) to navigate busy airspaces. ATC is responsible for ensuring that aircraft remain at safe distances from one another and from ground obstacles. However, communication breakdowns or errors in ATC guidance can result in collisions, mid-air crashes, or accidents during takeoff or landing.

Tour Operator Negligence

Tour companies have a duty to provide safe and well-maintained helicopters for their passengers. Negligence on the part of the operator, such as failing to inspect the aircraft regularly, hiring inexperienced pilots, or ignoring safety protocols, can create dangerous conditions. In such cases, tour operators can be held liable for accidents resulting from their negligence.

Potential Injuries in Helicopter Crashes

Helicopter crashes often result in severe injuries due to the nature of the impact and the subsequent hazards such as fire, debris, and structural collapse. Some of the most common injuries that victims may suffer include:

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

During a crash, the force of the impact can cause the brain to strike the inside of the skull, resulting in a traumatic brain injury. TBIs can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, leading to long-term cognitive and physical impairments.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The sudden jolt of a helicopter crash can damage the spine, leading to fractures, herniated discs, or, in the worst cases, complete severing of the spinal cord. Victims with spinal cord injuries may experience partial or total paralysis, requiring lifelong care and rehabilitation.

Burn Injuries

Helicopter crashes often result in explosions or fires, as seen in the Houston accident. Victims can suffer severe burns that cause permanent scarring, disfigurement, and nerve damage. Burn injuries often require extensive medical treatment, including skin grafts and reconstructive surgery.

Fractures and Broken Bones

The violent nature of a crash can cause passengers to suffer multiple fractures and broken bones. These injuries may require surgery and prolonged physical therapy to heal properly. Some victims may experience long-term pain or disability as a result.

Internal Injuries

The blunt force trauma of a helicopter crash can cause internal injuries, such as damage to organs, internal bleeding, and punctured lungs. These injuries may not be immediately visible but can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Wrongful Death

A wrongful death may occur when a helicopter crash occurs due to the negligence or misconduct of another party. This could involve a range of factors, such as pilot error, mechanical failure due to poor maintenance, defective helicopter parts, defective towers or lighting, or inadequate safety measures. If a crash results from these or other preventable causes, the responsible party may be held liable for wrongful death.

Emotional Trauma

Surviving a helicopter crash or losing a loved one in such an accident can cause significant emotional distress. Victims and their families may experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and grief, all of which require mental health support.

Who is Responsible for Inadequate Lights on a Radio Tower?

Responsibility for inadequate lighting on a radio tower typically falls on the tower owner or operator. Federal law, specifically regulations set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), mandates that certain tall structures, including radio towers, must have proper lighting to ensure visibility to aircraft and prevent collisions.

Here is a breakdown of who may be responsible:

Tower Owner or Operator

The primary responsibility for maintaining proper lighting on a radio tower lies with the owner or operator of the tower. They are legally required to install, maintain, and inspect the lighting system to ensure it meets FAA and FCC safety standards.

Maintenance Contractors

If the owner or operator contracts out maintenance to a third party, that contractor may share some responsibility for ensuring the lights are working properly. If the maintenance company failed to perform regular inspections or neglected to repair faulty lighting, they could also be held liable.

Manufacturers of Lighting Equipment

If the tower’s lighting system fails due to a defect in the equipment, the manufacturer of the lighting components may bear responsibility under product liability laws. A design or manufacturing defect that leads to insufficient lighting could make the manufacturer liable for accidents caused by the defect.

FAA and FCC Compliance

The FAA and FCC provide guidelines for tower lighting, and failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, penalties, or legal liability in case of an accident. If the tower owner or operator fails to ensure that the lighting complies with FAA regulations, they are responsible for any resulting harm.

Inadequate lighting on a radio tower can lead to serious accidents, such as aircraft collisions, making it crucial for those responsible to maintain proper lighting and ensure compliance with federal regulations.

How an Attorney Can Help After a Helicopter Crash

The aftermath of a helicopter crash is devastating for victims and their families. In addition to coping with the emotional and physical trauma, survivors and families may face significant financial burdens due to medical bills, lost wages, and funeral costs. An experienced personal injury or wrongful death attorney can provide crucial assistance during this difficult time.

Determining Liability

One of the first steps an attorney will take is to determine who is liable for the crash. In helicopter accidents, multiple parties may be at fault, including:

  • The helicopter pilot
  • The helicopter tour company
  • The helicopter manufacturer (if the crash was caused by a defective part)
  • Owners or operators of towers or structures
  • Maintenance crews responsible for inspecting the helicopter
  • Air traffic controllers

An attorney will conduct a thorough investigation to identify the responsible parties and gather evidence to support a claim.

Filing a Wrongful Death or Personal Injury Lawsuit

If a loved one was killed in the crash, surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This type of claim seeks compensation for funeral expenses, loss of companionship, and the financial support the deceased would have provided.

For survivors of the crash, a personal injury lawsuit may be necessary to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term care needs.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies may try to minimize the compensation offered to victims or their families. An experienced attorney will negotiate on behalf of the victims to ensure they receive fair compensation for their losses. If necessary, the attorney will take the case to court to pursue justice.

Providing Emotional Support

In addition to providing legal guidance, attorneys understand the emotional toll a helicopter crash can have on victims and their families. They can offer support and connect clients with resources for grief counseling, therapy, and support groups.

Learn More about Your Rights after a Fatal Helicopter Crash

If you have lost a loved one in a tragic helicopter crash, you may be entitled to compensation. Helicopter crashes can be caused by negligence, defective equipment, or safety violations, and families deserve answers. At Kherkher Garcia, our experienced attorneys understand the complexities of aviation law and wrongful death claims. We will investigate the crash, identify the responsible parties, and fight to hold them accountable.

You shouldn’t have to face this burden alone. We are committed to helping families secure the compensation they need for medical expenses, funeral costs, lost income, and emotional suffering. Let us guide you through the legal process and protect your rights during this difficult time.

Contact Kherkher Garcia today for a free consultation and learn more about how we can help you pursue justice. Call us now at 713-333-1030 or complete our website form to schedule your case evaluation.

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Steve Kherkher

Steve Kherkher

Founding Partner and Trial Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Injury Trial Lawyer and Founding Firm Partner Steve Kherkher. Steve has been a practicing injury lawyer for more than 30 years. He has won $300 Million+ in Settlements and Verdicts for his clients. He is a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom and the trial lawyer you want on your side if you or a loved one have been catastrophically injured.

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