Chemical Plant Explosion Due to Over-pressurized Railcar

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Chemical Injury, Chemical Plant Accident, Explosion, Workplace Accident, Workplace Explosion, Workplace Injuries

Chemical plant explosions are catastrophic events that often lead to severe injuries, loss of life, and significant property damage. One of the more common yet preventable causes of such explosions is the over-pressurization of railcars transporting hazardous materials. When these railcars are not properly monitored or managed, the build-up of pressure can result in violent explosions, posing immense danger to plant workers and surrounding communities.

That is precisely what happened recently at an Evonik chemical facility in Theodore, Alabama. Below, the chemical injury attorneys at Kherkher Garcia provide details of the incident, and explore the legal implications of chemical plant explosions. We will also examine the responsibilities of the parties involved, potential legal claims, and the path to justice for victims of these devastating incidents.

Chemical Plant Explosion Details

On Saturday afternoon, August 10, 2024, an incident occurred at Evonik’s Theodore plant involving an over-pressurized railcar. In response, first responders from Mobile Fire-Rescue, as well as Theodore and Fowl River Volunteer Fire Departments, swiftly arrived at the scene to assist in containing the situation.

Evonik, in a press release, emphasized its commitment to safety, stating, “We are fully cooperating with local authorities. Evonik cares deeply about safety, and investigating the cause of this accident is a top priority.” The Mobile Fire-Rescue Department dispatched several units, including a HAZMAT team to remain on standby as Evonik worked to manage the situation.

Fortunately, the company reported that no serious injuries occurred during the incident. An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of the over-pressurization.

The Theodore plant, Evonik’s largest facility in North America, plays a significant role in the production of chemical products for various industries. The incident underscores the importance of stringent safety protocols in industrial operations.

What are the Hazards of Over-pressurized Railcars?

Over-pressurized railcars pose several significant hazards, which can lead to dangerous and potentially catastrophic outcomes. Some of the most concerning hazards include:

  • Explosion Risk: Over-pressurization can cause a railcar to rupture or explode, particularly if the railcar is carrying flammable or hazardous materials. This can result in fires, widespread damage, and potential loss of life.
  • Toxic Release: If the railcar is carrying toxic chemicals, over-pressurization can cause leaks or catastrophic release of harmful substances into the environment, posing health risks to nearby populations and first responders.
  • Structural Damage: The excessive pressure can damage the railcar’s structure, leading to cracks, ruptures, or even complete failure. This can cause derailments or spillage of contents, further escalating the danger.
  • Environmental Contamination: A breach in the railcar can lead to the release of chemicals or other hazardous substances into the soil, water, and air, leading to long-term environmental contamination and harm to ecosystems.
  • Fire Hazard: Many substances transported by railcar are flammable or combustible. Over-pressurization can lead to ignition, either immediately or through subsequent exposure to a heat source, resulting in fires that are difficult to control.
  • Pressure Wave and Shrapnel: If the railcar explodes, the blast can create a powerful pressure wave and send shrapnel flying, which can cause significant injury or death to people nearby.
  • Public Safety and Emergency Response: Over-pressurization incidents can require large-scale evacuations and complex emergency responses, straining local resources and posing additional risks to public safety.

Any of these incidents can cause serious injuries and property damage.

What Injuries are Most Common in Chemical Plant Explosions?

Chemical plant explosions can cause a wide range of injuries, many of which are severe and life-threatening. The most common injuries include:


Thermal burns are among the most common injuries in chemical plant explosions. They can range from superficial (first-degree) burns to deep (third-degree) burns, depending on the intensity of the explosion and proximity to the blast.

Inhalation Injuries

Exposure to toxic fumes, smoke, or chemical vapors released during an explosion can cause severe respiratory injuries. Inhalation of these substances can lead to respiratory distress, chemical pneumonitis, or long-term lung damage.

Blast Injuries

The pressure wave generated by an explosion can cause blast injuries, which include:

  • Primary blast injuries: Damage to organs and tissues caused by the shockwave, particularly affecting air-filled organs like the lungs, ears, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Secondary blast injuries: Injuries from shrapnel or debris propelled by the blast, leading to lacerations, puncture wounds, and fractures.
  • Tertiary blast injuries: Injuries from being thrown by the blast force, resulting in blunt force trauma, broken bones, and head injuries.

Chemical Burns and Exposure

Contact with hazardous chemicals released during an explosion can cause chemical burns to the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. In some cases, these chemicals can be absorbed into the body, leading to systemic toxicity.

Hearing Loss

The loud noise of an explosion can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss, ruptured eardrums, or tinnitus.

Eye Injuries

Flying debris, exposure to bright flashes, or chemical splashes can cause eye injuries, including cuts, chemical burns, or even blindness.

Traumatic Injuries

The force of the explosion can cause blunt force trauma, leading to broken bones, internal injuries, and contusions.

Crush Injuries

Structural collapses or falling equipment following an explosion can cause crush injuries, trapping individuals under debris and leading to severe trauma or amputations.

Psychological Trauma

Witnessing or experiencing a chemical plant explosion can result in psychological trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

Why Victims Should Contact an Attorney After a Chemical Plant Explosion

In the aftermath of a chemical plant explosion, victims may find themselves facing a complex and overwhelming situation. The physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens can be devastating. Navigating the legal complexities that follow such an event is challenging, and this is where an experienced attorney becomes invaluable. At Kherkher Garcia, we help chemical injury victims with the following:

Understanding Legal Rights and Options

Victims of chemical plant explosions have the right to seek compensation for their injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages. However, determining liability in these cases is often complicated. Multiple parties, such as the plant operators, equipment manufacturers, or third-party contractors, could be responsible. Our attorneys have expertise in this and can help victims understand their legal rights and identify all potential sources of liability.

Building a Strong Case

Proving negligence or liability in a chemical plant explosion requires thorough investigation and a deep understanding of industrial safety standards, regulatory compliance, and the specifics of the incident. Our attorneys have access to resources such as expert witnesses, investigators, and technical specialists who can help build a compelling case. They can gather critical evidence, such as safety records, maintenance logs, and eyewitness testimonies, to support the victim’s claims.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Insurance companies often seek to minimize payouts, offering settlements that may not fully cover the victim’s losses. Our attorneys will negotiate with insurers to ensure that victims receive fair compensation. If a reasonable settlement cannot be reached, we can take the case to court to fight for the victim’s rights.

Providing Peace of Mind

After a traumatic event like a chemical plant explosion, victims should focus on recovery rather than the intricacies of legal battles. Partnering with our attorneys allows victims to have their case handled professionally, providing peace of mind during a difficult time.

Kherkher Garcia Helps Victims of Chemical Plant Explosions

If you or a loved one has been affected by a chemical plant explosion, the aftermath can be overwhelming. The physical, emotional, and financial toll is immense, and navigating the legal landscape on your own can feel impossible.

At Kherkher Garcia, our experienced legal team is dedicated to helping victims of chemical plant explosions secure the compensation they deserve. We understand the complexities of chemical injury cases and are committed to holding responsible parties accountable for their negligence. Whether it’s negotiating with insurance companies or representing you in court, we fight tirelessly for your rights.

Don’t face this difficult time alone – let Kherkher Garcia be your advocate. Contact us today for a free consultation, and take the first step towards reclaiming your life after a chemical plant explosion. Call us at 713-333-1030, or submit our online contact form to get started.

Image from Evonik

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Kevin Haynes

Kevin Haynes

Firm Partner and Trial Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Injury Trial Lawyer and Firm Partner Kevin Haynes. Kevin has been a practicing injury lawyer for more than 15 years. He has won $150 Million+ in Settlements and Verdicts for his clients. Kevin is powerful and effective in the courtroom and the trial lawyer you want on your side if you or a loved one have been seriously injured at work or on the road.

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