Understanding the Hazards of Transporting Hydrogen Tanks

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Burn Injury, Chemical Injuries, Chemical Injury, Personal Injury, Work Injury, Workplace Accident, Workplace Injuries

Transporting hydrogen tanks presents unique challenges and hazards due to the highly flammable and volatile nature of hydrogen. While hydrogen is increasingly used in various industries, particularly as a clean energy source, its transportation requires strict safety measures.

Unfortunately, incidents involving hydrogen transportation can still occur. One example happened just this week in Commerce, California. Reports say that a truck hauling hydrogen tanks caught on fire outside a warehouse. The incident prompted a hazardous materials response. Reports do not state whether anyone was injured, only that the driver reported hearing an unusual noise prior to the fire.

Hydrogen tank fires can lead to devastating consequences such as explosions, property damage and injuries. Below, the chemical injury lawyers at Kherkher Garcia explore the hazards associated with transporting hydrogen tanks, common causes of incidents, and the injuries that victims might suffer.

California Hydrogen Tank Fire Details

A big rig towing two tankers filled with 130,000 cubic feet of compressed hydrogen caught fire in the Commerce area of Los Angeles on Tuesday. The incident, which occurred around 12:20 p.m. on South Garfield Avenue behind a warehouse, prompted a hazardous materials response from the Los Angeles County Fire Department (LACOFD). Officials reported that the tanks might be leaking hydrogen into the flames.

A quarter-mile evacuation order was issued, affecting several large commercial buildings in the area. The cause of the fire is unclear, but the driver reported hearing a noise before noticing the flames. Video footage from the scene shows the rear of the big rig engulfed in flames, with thick black smoke rising into the air.

The Nature of Hydrogen: A Flammable and Volatile Gas

Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that is highly flammable and capable of igniting at low concentrations in the air. When stored under high pressure in tanks, even a minor leak can result in a dangerous explosion if the gas comes into contact with an ignition source. The volatility of hydrogen, combined with its wide use in industries ranging from energy to manufacturing, means that incidents during transportation can pose significant risks to both the transport crew and surrounding communities.

Key Properties of Hydrogen

  • High Flammability: Hydrogen is extremely easy to ignite, requiring just a small spark or heat source. Once ignited, it burns rapidly, often leading to intense fires or explosions.
  • Lightweight: Hydrogen is the lightest gas, making it prone to rising quickly when released into the air. While this can help disperse the gas in some situations, it can also complicate containment efforts in others.
  • Odorless and Invisible Flames: Hydrogen burns with an almost invisible flame, making it difficult to detect in time to take appropriate safety measures.

Given these characteristics, transporting hydrogen safely is a critical issue that demands thorough safety protocols.

Common Causes of Hydrogen Transportation Incidents

Hydrogen transportation incidents can occur due to a variety of factors, some of which are preventable through proper maintenance, training, and safety measures. The following are common causes of incidents involving hydrogen tanks during transport:

Tank Leaks

One of the most dangerous risks during hydrogen transportation is the potential for leaks. Leaks can occur due to faulty or poorly maintained equipment, cracks in the tanks, or improper sealing. Even small leaks can lead to hazardous conditions because hydrogen gas, when released into the air, can ignite in the presence of an ignition source.

Improper Securing of Tanks

Hydrogen tanks must be securely fastened to the transport vehicle to avoid movement during transit. If a tank becomes dislodged or moves within the vehicle, it can suffer physical damage, leading to a rupture or leak. Loose tanks may also collide with other objects, increasing the risk of an accident.

Road Accidents

Like any other commercial vehicle, trucks transporting hydrogen tanks are at risk of being involved in road accidents. Collisions, rollovers, or other types of accidents can result in damage to the tanks, which may lead to leaks or explosions. Given the flammable nature of hydrogen, even a minor accident can escalate into a life-threatening situation if the gas is released.

Faulty Valves or Pressure Regulators

Hydrogen tanks are equipped with valves and pressure regulators to ensure the gas is stored at safe levels. However, if these components fail due to manufacturing defects or lack of maintenance, the tanks may become over-pressurized, increasing the likelihood of a rupture. Additionally, faulty valves can allow hydrogen to escape, creating a dangerous concentration of gas in the area.

Static Electricity

Hydrogen is highly sensitive to sparks, including those caused by static electricity. During transportation, the friction between the vehicle and the air, as well as movement of the hydrogen tanks, can generate static electricity. If this static charge is not properly grounded, it can serve as an ignition source, leading to an explosion.

Human Error

Improper handling, lack of training, or negligence can also cause incidents during hydrogen transportation. Workers responsible for loading, unloading, and securing hydrogen tanks must be adequately trained to follow safety protocols. Failure to adhere to proper procedures can result in leaks, spills, or accidents that endanger both workers and the public.

Potential Injuries in Hydrogen Transportation Incidents

When an incident involving hydrogen tanks occurs, the potential for injury is significant. Because of hydrogen’s highly flammable nature, the most common injuries stem from fires and explosions. The following are some of the most serious injuries that individuals may suffer as a result of a hydrogen transportation accident:

Burn Injuries

Hydrogen fires and explosions can cause severe burn injuries, ranging from first-degree to life-threatening third-degree burns. Victims in close proximity to the blast may suffer burns to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. The invisible nature of hydrogen flames can also delay detection, leading to longer exposure to the fire.

Blast Injuries

Explosions involving hydrogen tanks can create a powerful blast wave, which can cause blunt force trauma, broken bones, or internal injuries. The force of the explosion can throw individuals, debris, and vehicles over large distances, posing a serious risk to anyone in the vicinity.

Respiratory Injuries

Inhalation of hot gases or toxic fumes produced by hydrogen fires can result in serious respiratory injuries. Victims may suffer from smoke inhalation, chemical burns to the airways, or even asphyxiation if the fire consumes available oxygen in the surrounding area.

Hearing Damage

Explosions from hydrogen tanks often generate extremely loud noise levels, which can cause hearing damage or permanent hearing loss. Individuals near the site of the explosion may experience ruptured eardrums or other auditory damage.

Eye Injuries

Hydrogen fires and explosions can result in eye injuries, either from direct exposure to the flames or from flying debris. Corneal burns, retinal damage, or loss of vision are possible outcomes of such incidents.


In the most severe cases, hydrogen transportation incidents can be fatal. Explosions, intense fires, and powerful blast waves can lead to the deaths of transport workers, emergency responders, or members of the public in the affected area.

Preventing Hydrogen Transportation Accidents

To reduce the risk of accidents during the transportation of hydrogen, companies and workers must follow strict safety regulations. Some key preventive measures include:

  • Regular Inspections and Maintenance: Transport vehicles and hydrogen tanks must be routinely inspected for defects, leaks, or any signs of wear and tear that could lead to an incident.
  • Proper Securing of Tanks: Ensuring that tanks are properly secured within the transport vehicle is essential to preventing movement or damage during transit.
  • Training for Workers: Workers involved in the transportation process should receive proper training on the hazards of hydrogen, how to safely handle tanks, and how to respond in the event of a leak or accident.
  • Use of Grounding Techniques: Grounding the vehicle and hydrogen tanks can help prevent static electricity from building up and causing a spark that might ignite hydrogen gas.

To mitigate risks while transporting hydrogen, strict safety protocols and proper training for transport workers are essential. When incidents do occur, victims may need to seek legal assistance to recover compensation for their injuries and losses.

Get Help after a Hydrogen Tank Transportation Incident

Transporting hydrogen tanks comes with inherent risks, given the gas’s highly flammable and volatile nature. Incidents can occur due to various factors, including tank leaks, improper securing, road accidents, faulty equipment, and human error. The injuries resulting from such accidents can be severe, ranging from burns and respiratory damage to hearing loss and death.

At Kherkher Garcia, our chemical injury lawyers can provide essential legal assistance to victims of hydrogen tank transportation incidents. We help victims recover compensation for injuries and losses. Hydrogen tank accidents often result in severe injuries, such as burns, respiratory damage, hearing loss, and even death due to explosions or fires. The team at Kherkher Garcia has extensive experience handling complex cases involving hazardous materials, including incidents related to hydrogen transportation.

At Kherkher Garcia, we work diligently to investigate the cause of transportation incidents, determine liability, and hold negligent parties accountable. This could include transport companies, manufacturers of faulty equipment, or other responsible entities. By navigating the legal complexities and pursuing a strong case, we aim to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages victims may face.

With our proven track record and billions of dollars recovered for our clients, our team ensures that victims receive the justice and financial recovery they deserve after incidents involving hydrogen tanks.

Find out how our team can help you by contacting us for a free consultation. Call 713-333-1030, or complete our online contact form to get started.

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Jesus Garcia

Jesus Garcia

Founding Partner and Trial Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Injury Trial Lawyer and Founding Firm Partner Jesus Garcia. Jesus has been a practicing injury lawyer for more than 20 years. He has won $150 Million+ in Settlements and Verdicts for his clients. He is a force of nature in the courtroom and the trial lawyer you want on your side if you or a loved one have been seriously injured at work or on the road. Abogado Jesus Garcia is bilingual and passionate about being the voice in the courtroom for the spanish speaking community here in Houston, across the state of Texas, and throughout the Nation.

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