Massive Roller Candy Recalls Highlight Choking Hazards

by | Oct 11, 2023 | Defective Children's Product, Defective Product, Defective Toys, Product Liability, Product Recall

Choking hazards are a significant concern when it comes to small children, as their curiosity often leads them to put objects in their mouths. Unfortunately, sometimes hazards occur for reasons beyond the child’s or parent’s control. Sometimes, products that are specifically designed for children become dangerous when there is a defect.

Such is the case in the recent massive roller candy recalls issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Millions of products are being pulled from store shelves after reports of defects leading to injuries, and at least one death.

Below, the children’s product liability lawyers at Kherkher Garcia provide information about the roller candy recall. We will also explore common choking hazards for small children, discuss prevention strategies, and provide essential information to keep your family safe.

Roller Candy Recall Information

According to reports, there are two massive roller candy recalls currently affecting millions of products across the United States. The recalls are as follows:

Cocco Candy Rolling Candy

The Cocco Candy rolling candy recall involves more than 147,000 candy products that may pose a choking hazard. According to the CPSC report, the rolling ball can dislodge from the stem and become trapped in a child’s throat. The CPSC has received at least one report of this happening, which sadly, led to the child’s death.

Parents should avoid purchasing this candy at all cost. Any products already purchased should be returned for a full refund. The candy was manufactured by KGR Distribution. Parents and merchants can identify the products in the recall by the following:

Cocco Candy Strawberry Flavored Rolling Candy

  • Unit Barcode: 8683363414008
  • Display Barcode: 8683363414367
  • Carton Barcode: 8683363414176

Cocco Candy Tutti Frutti Flavored Rolling Candy

  • Unit Barcode: 8683363414015
  • Display Barcode: 8683363414367
  • Carton Barcode: 8683363414176

Cocco Candy Cola Flavored Rolling Candy

  • Unit Barcode: 8683363414022
  • Display Barcode: 8683363414367
  • Carton Barcode: 8683363414176

Slime Licker Sour Rolling Liquid Candy

Candy Dynamics is also recalling rolling liquid candies due to the potential choking hazard associated with their products. This recall includes multiple flavors and sizes of “Slime Licker” rolling candies. Around 70 million products are included in this recall, including two- and three-ounce packages.

Parents can identify the products by the following:

Slime Licker® Sour Rolling Liquid Candy (Blue Razz & Strawberry)

  • 2 oz.
  • 8-98940-00101-6

Slime Licker® Sour Rolling Liquid Candy (Blue Razz & Strawberry)

  • 2 oz., 2 pack
  • 8-98940-00191-7

Mega Slime Licker® Sour Rolling Liquid Candy (Blue Razz & Strawberry)

  • 3 oz.
  • 8-98940-00169-6

Slime Licker® Sour Rolling Liquid Candy (Black Cherry & Sour Apple)

  • 2 oz.
  • 8-50034-59720-1

Slime Licker® Sour Rolling Liquid Candy (Blue Razz & Strawberry)

Candy Dynamics is also offering a full refund to consumers who have purchased this product. The products in the recall include products manufactured between June 2015 through July 2023.

Common Choking Hazards

Choking is a leading cause of injury and death among children under the age of five. Young children, in their natural exploration of the world, have a tendency to put various objects in their mouths. However, their airways are still developing, and they may not have the reflexes and skills needed to manage choking incidents. Their not-yet-developed reflexes and skills coupled with a defective product like the candies above can have catastrophic consequences.

It is important for parents and caregivers to be aware of products that may pose a choking hazard, either due to their design or size, or due to potential dangers or defects. Some of the most common choking hazards include:

  • Small Toys and Parts: Small toys, game pieces, and parts from larger toys can be extremely hazardous to small children. Pieces that can fit through a toilet paper roll are considered choking hazards.
  • Food Items: Certain foods pose a choking risk to small children. Items like grapes, nuts, popcorn, and chunks of meat should be cut into small, manageable pieces to reduce the risk.
  • Coins and Batteries: Coins are a choking hazard because they are the perfect size to get stuck in a child’s windpipe. Batteries, both button cell and larger ones, can be particularly dangerous as they may leak harmful chemicals.
  • Balloons: While they are a staple at many children’s parties, uninflated or broken balloons can be life-threatening if swallowed or inhaled.
  • Small Objects: Everyday household items like buttons, paper clips, and hairpins can also become choking hazards for small children.

First Aid for Choking

Knowing how to respond in the event of choking is crucial. If you suspect a child is choking, follow these steps:

  • Assess the Situation: Stay calm and assess the situation. If your child can still cough, cry, or make any sound, encourage them to keep trying to clear the obstruction.
  • Back Blows and Chest Thrusts: If your child is unable to breathe or make a sound, perform back blows and chest thrusts. For infants, use back blows with their head lower than their body. For older children, perform abdominal thrusts or Heimlich maneuver.
  • Call for Help: If the obstruction is not cleared, call 911 or your local emergency number.
  • Perform CPR: If the child becomes unconscious, start CPR and continue until medical help arrives.

Reducing the Risk of Choking Hazards

Preventing choking hazards is crucial, especially when it comes to small children who are at a higher risk due to their natural inclination to put objects in their mouths. Here are some essential tips to help prevent choking hazards:


Always keep a close eye on your child, especially during playtime and meals. Supervision is the most effective way to prevent choking incidents.

Age-Appropriate Toys

Choose age-appropriate toys for your child. Be sure to read labels and warnings on toy packaging to ensure they are safe for your child’s age and development level.

Inspect Toys Regularly

Routinely inspect your child’s toys for loose or broken parts. Discard any toys that have small or detachable parts that could pose a choking risk.

Childproof Your Home

Take time to childproof your living spaces. Use safety latches and locks on cabinets that contain hazardous items, and keep small objects out of reach. Secure cords and blinds out of your child’s reach.

Small Object Storage

Keep small objects like buttons, batteries, coins, and other small items in secure containers that your child cannot access. Remember that children are curious, so be thorough in your childproofing efforts.

Food Preparation

When preparing meals for your child, cut food into small, manageable pieces. Be cautious with foods like hot dogs and grapes, which should be sliced lengthwise to reduce the risk of choking.

Teach Safe Eating Habits

Encourage your child to eat slowly, chew their food thoroughly, and avoid talking or laughing with a full mouth. Discourage rushing during mealtime.

Avoid Hard or Sticky Candy

Hard candies and sticky treats like chewing gum can pose a significant choking hazard. It’s best to avoid them until your child is older and can safely handle them.

Button Batteries

Be extremely cautious with button cell batteries used in various devices. Ensure that battery compartments are secure, and keep spare batteries well out of your child’s reach.

Stay Informed

Keep up to date with the latest information on choking hazards, safe toys, and recommended child safety practices. Organizations like the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provide valuable resources.

Educate Your Child

As your child grows, teach them about potential choking hazards and the importance of not putting small objects or non-food items in their mouth. Reinforce safe eating habits and responsible play.

Reducing the risk of choking hazards in small children requires a combination of vigilance, childproofing, education, and preparedness. By taking these steps, you can create a safer environment for your child and reduce the risk of choking incidents.

Get Help after a Product-Related Injury

If your child has been harmed by a dangerous or defective product, it is important to seek legal representation right away. Consumers have rights, and if your child is injured, you may be able to pursue compensation on their behalf. At Kherkher Garcia, we help families understand and protect their legal rights.

Product manufacturers and distributors must be held accountable when their products cause harm to consumers. Our product liability lawyers have helped numerous families obtain justice and compensation after injuries involving products such as food, medications, toys, clothing, appliances, electronics, and more. If you have questions or concerns about a product-related injury, we can help!

To start a free consultation, contact Kherkher Garcia by calling us at 713-333-1030, or by contacting us online. Our consultations are confidential and completely free of charge.


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Jesus Garcia

Jesus Garcia

Founding Partner and Trial Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Injury Trial Lawyer and Founding Firm Partner Jesus Garcia. Jesus has been a practicing injury lawyer for more than 20 years. He has won $150 Million+ in Settlements and Verdicts for his clients. He is a force of nature in the courtroom and the trial lawyer you want on your side if you or a loved one have been seriously injured at work or on the road. Abogado Jesus Garcia is bilingual and passionate about being the voice in the courtroom for the spanish speaking community here in Houston, across the state of Texas, and throughout the Nation.

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